January Meeting Resources

January Meeting Suggested General Readings

Open-access articles

The Lancet Commission on Investing in Health

Key Aspects of Health Policy Development to Improve Surgical Services in Uganda

Increasing Access to Surgical Services in Sub-Saharan Africa: Priorities for National and International Agencies Recommended by the Bellagio Essential Surgery Group

Non open-access articles

Generation of political priority for global health initiatives: a framework and case study of maternal mortality

Redefining global health-care delivery 

Measuring the Quality of Surgical Care: Structure, Process, or Outcomes? 


January Meeting Optional Specific Readings

Open-access articles

Burden of Disease

Disease Control Priorities, Second Edition: Surgery 


Political Priorities

Generating Political Priority for Maternal Mortality Reduction in 5 Developing Countries


Finance and Economics

Effect of Payments for Health Care on Poverty Estimates in 11 Countries in Asia: An Analysis of Household Survey Data

Tracking Official Development Assistance for Reproductive Health in Conflict-Affected Countries

Human Resource and Funding Constraints for Essential Surgery in District Hospitals in Africa: A Retrospective Cross-Sectional Survey

Cost Effectiveness of Strategies to Combat Vision and Hearing Loss in Sub-Saharan Africa and South East Asia: Mathematical Modelling Study


Healthcare Delivery and Management

WHO Report: Strengthening Health Systems to Improve Outcomes

An Opportunity for Diagonal Development in Global Surgery: Cleft Lip and Palate Care in Resource-Limited Settings

Scarcity of Healthcare Worker Protection in Eight Low- and Middle-Income Countries: Surgery and the risk of HIV and Other Bloodborne Pathogens

Doctors Without Orders


Information Management

Indicators of the Quality of Trauma Care and the Performance of Trauma Systems

Paediatric Surgery and Anaesthesia in South-Western Uganda: A Cross-Sectional Survey

Standardised Metrics for Global Surgical Surveillance

The United Nations Process Indicators for Emergency Obstetric Care: Reflections Based on a Decade of Experience


Workforce, Education and Training

Surgical Task Shifting in Sub-Saharan Africa

Human Resources for Health: Overcoming the Crisis

Health professionals for a New Century: Transforming Education to Strengthen Health Systems in an Interdependent World

Comparison of Clinical Officers with Medical Doctors on Outcomes of Caesarean Section in the Developing World

WHO Report: Working Together for Health

WHO Report: Monitoring Building Blocks of Health Systems


Non-Open Access Articles

Finance and Economics

Cost-Effectiveness of Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A Systematic Review

A Cost-Effective Small Hospital in Bangladesh: what it can mean for emergency obstetric care


Healthcare Delivery and Management

Comprehensive National Analysis of Emergency and Essential Surgical Capacity in Rwanda

Challenges of Surgery in Developing Countries: A Survey of Surgical and Anesthesia Capacity in Uganda’s Public Hospitals

Hospital Management Practices and Availability of Surgery in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Pilot Study of Three Hospitals